At St. Francis Primary School, we aim to teach our children to write for different purposes and audiences using a variety of genres. Throughout their time at school, our children will experience a range of fiction and non-fiction writing, including poetry. Writing is a crucial part of our curriculum and is weaved into our other curriculum subjects; it is not just undertaken in as part of an English lesson. This ensures that our children realise that writing can be used in a variety of ways for example formal writing, informal writing and creative writing. We use a multi-media approach for writing:
- Class reader books
- Pictures or images that elicit questioning from the children
- Picture sequencing to show story structure
- Short films
- Animations
- Real-life leaflets, posters, website analysis for non-fiction writing
- Non-fiction books for non-fiction writing
SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar)
In Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar lessons, the children learn key objectives and skills in relation to these areas. Our children are then provided with further opportunities during their wider curriculum to embed their new learning. Application of their learning in these three areas can be seen over the course of the academic year in writing tasks.
Weekly spellings are progressive throughout the school and focus on the spelling strategies that are required for each year group. Please see English Statement of Intent for more detail on the strategy used.
Please click on the links below to see the English Appendices for each year group.
Government Statutory information
- The Spelling link provides the statutory spellings for each year group.
- The Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation link provides the government outline of coverage for each year group.
- The English National Curriculum link provides the full English curriculum overview for each year group.
- The Glossary link provides an overview of the grammar glossary of terms with definitions.