Mission Statement
Recognising Christ in Everyone
A good school provides a rounded education for the whole person. And a good Catholic school, over and above this, should help all its students to become saints."
(Pope Benedict XVI, 2010)
Our principal role as a Catholic school is to participate in the mission of the Catholic Church by providing a framework, which will help children to grow in their understanding of God, The Gospel and in the practice of their faith.
Our vision and mission are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our children as confident, happy global citizens.
We are inspired by our Catholic faith and our mission values, (friendship, hope, perseverance, honesty, creativity, respect, forgiveness, equality and compassion) which help us to Recognise Christ in Everyone. Our religious ethos is to be found across the whole curriculum and is reflected in all areas of the life of the school. Christian values permeate each area of experience and learning; in this way we endeavour to promote the formation of the whole person.
We seek to create a community which:
- offers opportunities for all pupils and staff to aspire to achieve our God given potential.
- is a place where our pupils can flourish and grow emotionally, academically, spiritually, physically, morally and socially.
- offers opportunities for individuals to strive for excellence, enlightenment and understanding.
- ensures every individual feels safe and valued.
- provides a centre of excellence where our pupils can learn to become active global citizens.
- To emphasise the Christian ideal of service, by giving the children the opportunity to help people in need, both locally and universally.