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Welcome to St Francis Catholic Primary School

‘Recognising Christ in Everyone’

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Here at St. Francis we acknowledge the importance of working with parents and we recognise the crucial role parents play in their child’s education.  Parental attitudes about education can inspire their child/children and show them how to take charge of their own educational journey. There are many ways in which parents can help in their child’s education. 


We hope that the information in this section is useful.


St. Francis teaches a broad and balanced curriculum which includes our core subjects of EnglishMaths and Science.

For Phonics St. Francis follows Read Write Inc., please see below for further information, and Reading we are using Oxford Reading Tree.


Please click National Curriculum to view the Age Related Descriptors for each year group and Key Stage.

The Primary Knowledge Curriculum places ‘Powerful’ knowledge that takes students beyond their own experiences, at the heart of the primary curriculum.


The knowledge in our curriculum is carefully chosen, sequenced in a meaningful way that enables children to progress incrementally and is highly specialised.


Our curriculum is divided into subjects, recognising the identity of the disciplines we study, fostering a love for subject content that will flourish as children move through the curriculum.

Religious Education


The God Matters scheme, recommended by the Diocese of Portsmouth, provides the basis of our school R.E. Curriculum. Each teacher plans and adapts ideas based on the interests and ability of the class.


The themes link to the Liturgical calendar and follow a yearly cycle. its themes are evident throughout the school; in the school’s entrance area, the classrooms, the school hall, pupils’ books and in class big books.


We recognise that children come from a range of Faith backgrounds and the curriculum is differentiated according to prior knowledge and  ability.


For pupils from a strong faith background, it is a chance for their faith to grow and deepen, for some it will be a chance to develop some knowledge of their faith and for some it will be the first opportunity they will have had to hear the Gospel message. 

God Matters - Unit Planner
