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Welcome to St Francis Catholic Primary School

‘Recognising Christ in Everyone’

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School Council

Why have a school council?

Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) says that children and young people should have a say in decisions that affect their lives. Our school council provides a meaningful way in which pupils can voice their opinions and have their views taken into account in decisions which impact upon them. Our school council aims to improve different aspects of school life and provides leadership and development opportunities for pupils.

St Francis has an active School Council which ensures pupils’ voices are heard in the running of the school. It works as follows:

  • Each class (Years 1 to 6) elects one member to the Council each year.
  • The Council meets regularly and discusses issues raised by pupils.
  • Class representatives report back to their class and help make the ideas they agree on happen.


Our belief is that the pupils at our school are the heart of our school community and therefore, we value their thoughts, ideas and opinions. Our School Council is one way of ensuring the voice of the children is heard and used effectively in order to have a positive impact for the whole school and its future developments. Our links with staff, parents, pupils, the governors and community enable us to participate in decisions about teaching, learning, fundraising and the success of our school.

If you have a good idea for the School, let your School Council representatives know and they can raise it at the next meeting.
