Welcome to our information page on Special Educational Needs and Disability
We believe that every child deserves to achieve to the best of their ability and that they should have the help and support they need to succeed in whatever they want to achieve. Every person is valued within our community and we believe that every child has the right to take part fully in school life.
Every student at St. Francis Catholic School has the opportunity to follow all National Curriculum subjects. We are committed to narrowing the attainment gap between SEND and non-SEND students. This may include after school interventions, short-term intervention learning programmes, home-school intervention learning programmes or other learning interventions developed on an individual needs basis.
At St. Francis Catholic School students and parents will be at the heart of decision making, ensuring high quality education pathways are carefully planned around the specific needs of the students. We believe in working in partnership with parents.
If your child has a disability and you would like to know more about what we offer at St. Francis Catholic School please read the information on our website and contact our SENCO, Mr C Whatley for further information.
Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator is Mr Whatley
Our Governor with responsibility for SEND is Mrs Bradley